Commons Sense

Making sense of the House of Commons

Hello and welcome to Commons Sense!

In the interest of making it easier to track what our elected officials are up to, I’m going to be doing daily summaries of what’s happening in the House of Commons. I’ll be going through the Bills and Motions that were discussed each day and trying to break them down to something easier to understand for the rest of us.

The hope is to cut away all the controversies and distractions that have been plaguing politics and bring the attention back to the work that’s actually being done so it’s easier to hold your elected officials accountable.


I am not a lawyer, I am not trained in legalese. I’ll do my best to boil down what’s happening but some Bills can get extremely technical and it’s possible for me to get something wrong. If I do feel free to correct me.

For the sake of transparency, I am a left-leaning voter and generally support left-wing policies. I will attempt to keep any personal bias out of my breakdowns, and will make it clear when I’m stating my opinions. If anything I’ve said in my summaries show bias feel free to let me know so I can avoid repeating it.

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