S-224 – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons) – clarifies what counts as “exploitation” when deciding if someone’s engaged in human trafficking.

Criminal Code

Not much here, S-224 just changes the definition of “exploitation” in the Criminal Code. Right now exploitation is when you have someone provide a labour or service by doing something that makes them think their safety or the safety of someone they know is at risk if they don’t do what you tell them to do. Actions like threats, deception, or abusing a position of trust or authority all count for this.

S-224 removes the requirement that the victim feel their safety, or the safety of anyone else, is at risk. If you abuse your authority to get someone to do a job for you it can count as human trafficking.


S-224 made it through the Senate without a problem, and passed its Second Reading Vote with everyone voting in favour. It’s currently being seen by the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights before it comes back for its Third Reading.

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