C-342 – An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (maximum security offenders) – requires dangerous offenders be kept in maximum security prisons.

This is a pretty simple one. The Criminal Code has a system for deciding if an offender is a dangerous offender and if so C-342 says that they need to be kept in a maximum security prison. It also says that anyone convicted of more than one case of first degree murder is automatically kept in a maximum security prison. C-342 also makes it so people in a maximum security prison are ineligible for unescorted or temporary absences.

Something worth noting is that the list of charges in the Criminal Code that can get you designated as a dangerous offender are fairly broad. Most of the ones you’d expect are here, torture, hostage taking, human trafficking, etc. It also includes things like drunk driving and failing to stop after an accident. The system in the Criminal Code does say that the prosecutor needs to be able to show a history of dangerous behaviour from the offender to have them declared a dangerous offender, but it’s still worth noting that someone with a history of drunk driving could end up in a maximum security prison.


C-342 is currently waiting to get on the Order of Precedence.

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