C-335 – Defence of Canada Medal Act (1946-1989) – creates a new medal that can be awarded to people who served the country during the Cold War.

To qualify for the medal a person needs to have spent at least three years between 1946 and 1989 serving in:

  • The Canadian Forces
  • Police services that were trained and engaged in national survival and counter-espionage
  • Provincial and municipal organizations whose role was to protect civilians or provide aid in case of a nuclear attack
  • Recognized civilian organizations that undertook National Survival Training and were ready to apply it if there was a national emergency
  • The Canadian Coast Guard

There’s a few other bits to C-335 but it’s standard stuff you would expect from a Bill like this. (Who decides what the medal will look like, the nomination process, that it can be awarded posthumously, etc)


C-335 is currently outside of the Order of Precedence.

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