C-302 – An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers) – makes it illegal to bring in workers to replace employees that are on strike.

There’s an exception in C-302 that a company can still bring in replacement workers for maintaining the workplace. This only applies if the replacements aren’t producing goods or providing services. (So they can’t do anything that makes the company money)

C-302 also makes a small change to how people are brought back after a strike. Currently any replacement workers used during a strike can be hired instead of bringing back a striking employee. C-302 removes this, so a company will be required to bring back striking workers before they hire anyone else.

Finally C-302 outlines how investigations around this will be handled. Not much worth mentioning here, it’s no different from any other workplace investigation. Worth noting that if the company is told to stop using replacement workers and doesn’t they can be fined $100,000 for every day those workers were used.

One last note on C-302 is that it only applies to legal strikes. If you aren’t allowed to strike none of these protections apply to you.


C-302 is currently outside of the Order of Precedence.

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