C-300 – An Act to amend the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, the Defence Production Act and the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (Canadian products and services) – has governments give preference to Canadian companies when buying products or services.

First up a quick note on what counts as “Canadian”. A Canadian good is something that’s at least 50% made in Canada. For natural resources at least 50% of its value has to originate in Canada. (So oil that gets most of its value after being exported to be refined doesn’t count, but lumber harvested and processed in Canada would)

Canadian services are anything provided by Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or businesses.

There’s an exception in here for any purchases made to fill an international agreement. If the government’s agreed to buy all their vehicles from the US then we still have to honour that.

Finally C-300 creates a new federal transfer, giving each province $100,000 each year to cover any increase in costs from buying from Canadian companies.


C-300 is currently outside of the Order of Precedence.

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