C-388 – The Boosting Canadian Energy and Mining Projects and Ukraine’s Munitions Supply Act – fast tracks energy and mining projects and improves the munitions supply to Ukraine.

Part 1 – Energy and Mining Projects

The first part of this Act deals with energy and mining projects and getting them done faster.  The Minister of Natural Resources will have 60 days to develop a plan with the provinces to fast-track energy and mining projects.  This plan will include natural gas and nuclear projects, and will need to have measures to displace energy exports from hostile countries.

Part 2 – Munitions for Ukraine

The second part of this Act has a few measures to make it easier to export munitions to Ukraine.  First up, any munitions exempt from the Export Control List when sent to the US will also be exempt when sent to Ukraine.  This means companies won’t need to apply for permits to send these munitions to Ukraine.  In addition to this any permits that allow a company to export munitions, regardless of the country the permit is for, will also allow exports to Ukraine.

Next, Export Development Canada will be expected to give priority to helping Ukraine munitions production when giving out financial support.  The Business Development Bank of Canada will likewise be expected to give priority to munitions manufacturing in Ukraine when considering its investments.


So as is tradition I really don’t like this Act.  Speeding up mining and energy projects has nothing to do with providing munitions to Ukraine.  The two goals should be kept separate and debated on their own merits.  This is just an attempt to strong-arm other parties into supporting something they otherwise wouldn’t.  For example, if the Liberals support this it hurts their ability to claim to be protecting the environment because they’re speeding up mining projects.  On the other hand if they vote against this it hurts their claim that they support Ukraine.  The only reason you’d set C-388 like this is to make the other parties look bad.

Progress of C-388

C-388 is currently outside of the Order of Precedence.

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