
What is C-39? – Mental Illness and MAID

C-39 is a nice and simple Bill. Currently mental illness doesn’t count when applying for medical assistance in dying, but that’s set to change next month. C-39 would extend this exemption until March of 2024. Fast-Pass Motion On Feb. 13, 2023 a Motion was proposed to skip C-39 straight through every step in the House of Commons and send it to the Senate. The Motion passed with unanimous consent. Royal Assent On March 9, 2023 C-39 was passed by the Senate and granted Royal Assent.

  • February 15, 2023

Commons Updates – Feb. 6 to Feb. 10

So last week we had some Business of Supply days. Business of Supply is the procedure where the House decides to allocate the funds needed for the various needs of the government. On these days Opposition Motions can be proposed, and they take priority over any government motions or business. The idea is that it gives the Opposition the ability to make a case against the government spending, though these Motions can be about pretty much anything they want.

  • February 13, 2023

Commons Updates – Jan 30 to Feb 3

Hello everyone! Here’s what’s changed over the last week! Motions Sameer Zuberi proposed M-62, which would aims to help Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims fleeing China. It would see an additional 10,000 refugees from these groups brought into the country between 2024 and 2026, and gives 100 sitting days to come up with a plan on how to do this. Jenny Kwan (NDP, BC, Vancouver East) proposed an amendment that would include a clause to make sure these refugees are in addition to our normal refugee stream, and increase the time to come up with a plan to 120 days....

  • February 6, 2023

S-228 – Property qualifications of Senators

S-228 is a pretty simple Bill, all it does is change the requirements of being a Senator. At the moment in order to be a Senator you need to own property in the province you’re representing worth at least $4,000 and have a net worth of at least $4,000. S-228 removes this requirement everywhere except Quebec. Now the interesting thing here is that Quebec has special rules in place that prevent this change from applying to them unless they decide to adopt it. Quebec’s current rules are also a little bit more restrictive, in addition to the rules listed above...

  • January 27, 2023

What is C-228? – The Pension Protection Act

C-228 – Pension Protection Act – is a straightforward one. It makes changes to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act to ensure that any company that goes bankrupt meets any obligations they have when it comes to pension plans and group insurance plans. C-228 also makes a small change to the Pension Benefits Standards Act. At the moment every year a report is sent to the House on how well the Pension Benefits Standards Act is working. C-228 would add the success of pension plans meeting their funding requirements to this report, as well as any...

  • January 27, 2023

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