
House of Commons – September 21, 2022

Hello everyone! We saw some action on Bill C-29 as well as S-206. C-29 – National Council for Reconciliation Act has started the second reading process. This Bill would create a non-political group to monitor progress on reconciliation with the Indigenous population, and look into suggestions on how to move the process along. S-206 – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (disclosure of information by jurors) completed its third reading debates, and will go up for its final vote on September 28th. This Bill would make an exception to the Criminal Code regarding sharing information about jury proceedings when...

  • September 23, 2022

Bill C-29 – National Council for Reconciliation Act

C-29 would create the Council for Reconciliation. This council is an independent, non-political organization which will have at least two-thirds of its members from Indigenous backgrounds. Its purpose will be to report on the progress towards reconciliation between Canadian governments and Indigenous groups, and to make recommendations on what could be done to advance reconciliation.

  • September 22, 2022

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